Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hips don't lie

There is no fighting it, HIPS DON'T LIE! 

Hips are made of the Illium, the Ischium, and the Pubis. Together these bones support the entire weight of the body while in movement or standing still. This task is immense no matter what body type or weight you are. Just like everyone's favorite super villain Loki, they are burdened with great purpose. However this great purpose comes with a great sacrifice. Deterioration.

As a massage therapist, I see a lot of dysfunction in the hips while helping my clients. When asking clients where do you feel pain, the number one response will always be my lower back and hips. From young spry clients to older stiff clients the pain stays the same. Can you really blame it? 
When we take a look at the human skeleton, we see that the top is connected to the bottom by nothing but a thin spine. To help the top from falling over, the body employs many muscles that keep the body erect. This is all supported by the hips.

The hips see so much deterioration because they hold this immense weight. Many injuries can occur to these areas such as dislocation, fracture, strains, bursitis, and osteoarthritis. So how can we take care of our hips? Here are some tips to keep your hips happy and healthy.

1. Stretch it out!
 Here is a link to some wonderful hip stretches to help relieve pain and add more flexibility in your hips! Always remember, don't push it to far with stretches, especially when pregnant, as it is easy to dislocate your hip joint. This video is a little long, but it is great if you are experiencing back pain and hip tension!

2. Take it easy!
Sometimes all you need is a break! A great way to give your hips a rest is to lay on your back with your neck and knees supported. This will take weight off your hips, and give them a chance to take a well deserved break! For pregnant women, I recommend a half sitting position so the torso is elevated and the baby is not pressing on the inferior vena cava.

3. See your massage therapist!
Many times we have built up so much tension that is becomes chronic. Massage therapist are trained to be able to get deep into your muscles and work out trigger points and muscle tension that may be holding your hips in compromising positions.

Please comment below about any other areas of the body that you are feeling pain in or would like to hear about!

Lets get affiliated with our bodies!

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