Monday, May 2, 2016

What a pain! (Part 4)

What a pain! (part 4)

Welcome to part four of my four part series written on pain management. Today we will be going over dull and achy pains. This type of pain is usually a sign of a long term injury or the healing of an injury. Often times it is hard to describe as anything else but dull and achy. It is the type of uncomfortable pain that makes you want to just sit on your couch all day and become one with the fabric. If you do get up and move, it is always lingering in the back of your mind, and after a while you just get used to it. This pain can often be attributed to chronic pain diseases some of which are listed in the chart below.

You caught me on this one, I don't have some hocus pocus way to magically make your pain go away over night. However, with new daily health techniques you can combat the pain, and make it easier on yourself. About two years ago, I was suffering from ovarian cysts, which caused extreme and constant pain in my pelvis, low back, and stomach. I had been dealing with this kind of pain since I was about 13 years old, and I also suffered from migraines and constant headaches. But after my doctor told me I may have endometriosis or PCOS I decided I needed to make a lifestyle change. After thorough research and partnering with many health gurus, I changed my diet and exercise, and began taking supplements to help my body heal itself. Since I made this change, I have only had one flare up in two years, and I am in better shape than I have ever been in!

Now you have to make the decision, am I done living in pain? If so, here are some helpful tips to begin helping your body heal itself.

Tip 1: Reduce inflammation

It's all about inflammation! When you start to feel achy or dull pains, it is often a sign of inflammation in your body. Depending on your diet, you could be putting food in your body that causes inflammation, such as caffeine, alcohol, red meats, and acidic foods. Look into supplementing these foods with another food. For example, switching from ground beef to ground turkey.  Small changes like this can help reduce the amount of inflammation in your body, not to mention they are healthier alternatives. Below is a list of foods that help reduce inflammation

Tip 2: Supplements

I am an all believer in the magic of a multivitamin. But Brandi, if I have enough vegetables and fruits in my diet I should have enough vitamins. No. The argument that multivitamins creates expensive urine also doesn't fly with me. Yes, you may have lots of vitamins in your diet, however, they do not equate to your recommended daily amounts. And yes, when you take multivitamins some may end up going down the toilet, but would you rather be running on half full? If you don't believe how important multivitamins are, do an experiment. Track your moods for one month. After that month, take a multivitamin and see if your moods get better or worse. I can almost guarantee they will get better, because your body is now running on a full tank of gas.

Tip 3: Mental health

Your mind is a very powerful part of your body. If you are in poor spirits, it is more likely for you to feel this dull and achy pain. To improve this, try guided meditations 3 times a week. Remember, with this type of pain, you need to fix the inside before the outside can heal. Here is a good guided meditation for chronic pain.

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Let's get affiliated with our bodies!

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