Thursday, April 7, 2016

Don't be so negative!!

Don't be so negative!

Most people think of massage as being all physical. Depending on your massage therapist, bodywork also focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of your body. Many massage therapists refer to these practices as "energy work". Before you turn off your computer screen and mumble about how this is a bunch of mumbo jumbo, hear me out.

The law of vibration states, "anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern. All matter, thoughts and feelings has its own vibrational frequency. The thoughts, feelings and actions we choose also have their own particular rates of vibration. These vibrations will set up resonance with whatever possesses identical frequency."- William D. Gann

A massage therapist that specializes in energy work has learned to control their energy to match another persons, while also keeping their own separate energy. This is called grounding. By grounding themselves, they don't pull any negativity from the client, and the client doesn't pull any negative energy from them. It is very similar to wearing a surgical mask. No germs get shared. So how then can they "give" good energy if there is no sharing of energy?

Imagine a garden hose. The hose provides water to plants by pulling water from a tank, and transferring it to the plants. The hose does not become plants, and the plants do not become hose. Through this process however, the plants get what they need to grow.

In this analogy, the client is the plants, while the massage therapist plays the part of the garden hose. Now where do we get the water? As we stated earlier, everything consists of energy. This means rocks, trees, grass, a table, and even your couch. From your surroundings, you can pull "positive" or complimentary vibrations. What a massage therapist does is get a feel for their clients energy, or what frequency they are vibrating at. Then they "pull" a complimentary energy from the surroundings. While this takes much practice, some people are born and raised to be more receptive to energy work.

If you want to improve your skills in energy work, here are a couple tips.

Tip 1: Find a therapist who can do energy work.
Every Luke Skywalker needs a yoda. By finding someone who can help you with energy work, you will be able to learn much faster. They can coach you and help you improve your skills.

Tip 2: Meditate.

Here is a great video for meditations to help your energy. Try doing it as often as possible, but at least once a week!

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Let's get affiliated with our bodies!

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